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Minor League Monday: Week 7 of MiLB

On a personal note, I confirmed that I will be going to a Tennessee Smokies game on Saturday 7/17. I got some nice seats behind home plate and am looking forward to stuffing my face with tasty food while taking in a game down in Knoxville.

I'm also going to Myrtle Beach Pelican games on 7/13 and 7/14. It's going to be a fun week!

Week 7 is complete for minor league action. Here's the latest from the farm system.

Iowa Cubs

The Iowa Cubs won a series against St. Paul going 3-2 with a rainout. Overall, they are now at 14-25. As for individual players of note:

• Catcher Tony Wolters had a 6/16 week and an OPS over 1.

• Jake Jewell had two 2-inning appearances, gave up no runs and struck out 6.

• Old pal Kyle Ryan had a win and a save.

Tennessee Smokies

The AA Smokies are 14-26 on the season, after splitting their series against Chattanooga For individual players:

• Javier Assad had another nice start, giving up 1 run in 7 innings.

• Four players OPS'd over 1: Maldonado, Davis, Artis and Sepulveda.

• Brennan Davis had 9 hits in 21 at bats, looking pretty sharp.

Myrtle Beach Pelicans

The low A Pelicans went 1-5 against the Riverdogs, salvaging the final game. They are 18-23 now. As for some of the player highlights:

• Jacob Wetzel had a OPS over 1 week, including a clutch home run.

• Manuel Espinoza had a rough week, giving up 7 runs in 9 innings.

• Poor DJ Herz had a tough luck week, he started a game and lost, despite giving up 1 run in 3 innings while striking out 7.

South Bend Cubs

The South Bend Cubs A+ are now 18-23, after going 1-5 in Cedar Rapids. As for some of the player highlights:

• Yonathan Perlaza had another big week with 2 home runs.

• Delvin Zinn is now up to 26 steals, and was finally caught stealing once. Well done Delvin!

• Pretty much all pitchers came in and gave up more runs than they should, unfortunately.

Play of the week:

I need to give Delvin Zinn some more credit. He's now stolen 26 bases before finally getting caught. He's played in 34 games, so we are looking at a ratio closing in on 1:1.

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