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Round Robin: Cubs Rotation

Courtesy of Getty Images

Cubs DNA team looks at scenarios surrounding the Cubs rotation in 2020. Right now Darvish, Lester, Quintana, Hendricks, and Chatwood are all on the roster

Assuming the 5 players above will make up the 2020 rotation, how does the 1-5 line up?

Matt: Darvish, Lester, Hendricks, Q, Chatty

Pronk: Darvish, Lester, Hendricks, Quintana, Chatwood

Staci: Agree with Pronk.

Steven: I think Ross gives Lester a bump up and it goes Darvish, Lester, Hendricks, Quintana, and Chatwood.

Tina: Darvish, Hendricks, Lester, Q, Chatty

Brooke: At first I couldn't figure out why Chatwood was in everyone's answers and then I realized it was a requirement for the question. So I guess, Darvish, Hendricks, Lester, Q...............................................................Chatty (SINCE YOU ARE MAKING ME!!!!!)

Does Chatwood deserve a chance to start in 2020?

Brooke: I don't think so. I mean his BB/9 went back to pre-Cubs normal but when he was in the bullpen his K/9 popped up to a career-best 8.69K/9. Even his best year by WAR he was only 6.66K/9. Take the numbers as an indicative bad omen and RUN! I'm okay with leaving him in the bullpen though.

Matt: I think he's earned it, but I also think you cannot depend on him as the 5.

Pronk: A chance, yes. I've got a plan B and C ready to go though.

Staci: Yes, but I'm already on the record liking him in his swingman role.

Steven: Yeah. We saw improvements and I like his stuff over a Mills or Alzolay right now.

Tina: Yes. Don't give up on Chatty!

Is Darvish enough of an ace in 2020?

Brooke: Yeah, I don't think you sign another big pitcher's contract until Lester's is done. Plus Cyle will always be MY ace ;). (Cyle was 20th in pitcher's WAR in 2019)

Matt: Yes! Need another strong #2 to pair with Cyle, though.

Pronk: I think so. He seems to have turned the corner and become a pitcher instead of relying on stuff.

Staci: Ten pitches and those second-half stats? Sign me up!

Steven: Yes. There are not a whole lot of aces in the game but when he is on, he can be one of the best.

Tina: Yes! He seems to have gotten really comfy (mentally) with this organization and hopefully his 2nd half "breakout" carries over to this next season (and beyond).

Do the Cubs need to add a big arm for 2020 and beyond?

Matt: I would love to see a big arm in the rotation. I think the BP will be fine.

Pronk: I think depth is more of an issue than quality, if that makes sense.

Staci: Call me crazy, but I think having Ross in the dugout will help Lester and the rest of the rotation. Depth from Mills, Rea and Alzolay would be nice though.

Steven: 2020, no. Beyond they do but hopefully some guys from the minors develop to help fill any voids.

Tina: Having more depth would be great, but I don't know if it's a necessity to sign a "big arm" per se.

Brooke: I don't think it's wise to sign a multi-year contract arm right now. Like everyone else said though DEPTH.

Assuming Thed doesn't want Chatwood at 5, who are some lower cost dice rolls you'd like to see be given a shot?

Matt: Jharel Cotton is a nice start. I think Colin Rea will get a look too.

Pronk: Tanner Roark, Ivan Nova, Shelby Miller

Staci: They should look at guys like Tanner Roark or maybe even Gio Gonzalez just to keep him off the Brewers!

Steven: Drew Pomeranz, Kyle Gibson, and Tanner Roark are a few guys I could see the Cubs pursuing.

Tina: Goo would be interesting, but if he's not playing against us, his numbers aren't that great and he has a hard time going more than 5 innings. I'll pass on that, even if he does always kill us. lol (Going back to the original question tho... I have no idea.)

Brooke: I guess I'll go with Wade Miley who had a 2.0 WAR season (same as former Cub SP dice roll Brett Anderson).


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