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Love Letters from Pronk: Jeremy Jeffress

Love Letters From Pronk is an ongoing series where Pronk shares his love for somebody connected to the Cubs. Sometimes funny, sometimes weird, Pronk likes to make 100% sure people know that they are loved, and best expresses that through gushing letters. Today's pick: Relief Pitcher Jeremy Jeffress

Jeremy Jeffress has been a stud so far: 7 appearances 0.00 ERA, WHIP under .5 He has faced 20 batters, no hits allowed, 1 walk, 2 HBP. Only 5 strikeouts, but that's okay. He appears to be the latest scrap heap arm Theo's picked up and turned into a beast of a reliever. Given some of the struggles of the bullpen this year, one could argue that he's deserving of some team MVP votes.

Jeffress is also a pretty cool human being. He runs his own food truck, serving fried seafood, a favorite from his childhood. During the pandemic, he supported healthcare workers, bringing them tasty food on his dime. Everyone has to eat, and after a tough day, we all could use a solid meal of comfort food.

Dear Jeremy,

Thank you for keeping my blood pressure low this season. It's a rare thing to have a reliever you can have 100% confidence in, and so far, you have been just that. I realize that your tiny WHIP will not last, and that you will have earned runs at some point. But your performance thus far has been exactly what the bullpen has needed.

Given the struggles of Kimbrel and others, they've needed some time to figure things out. You've bailed them out. David Ross is a rookie manager still learning how to manage a staff. You've made his job a lot easier. Relief pitchers are an under-appreciated bunch. They face some of the highest pressure situations under a microscope. One screw up can tank an entire season's ERA. The margin of error is typically very thin. Because of this, RPs need to have a solid mentality. You have been cool headed and confident.

After Pedro Strop's difficult 2019 and subsequent non-renewal, us Cubs fans were in mourning. We were missing our relief ace. The guy who could get it done, whether it was bases loaded in the 7th, a clean inning in the 8th, or occasionally fill in the 9th inning. He had a big personality too. Losing him was big, but you've made us miss him a heck of a lot less. Keep it up!

Thank you for being a positive piece in this world:



(I also love your strut and belly fire! - Tina)


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