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Love Letters From Pronk: Jake Marisnick

Love Letters From Pronk is an ongoing series where Pronk shares his love for somebody connected to the Cubs. Sometimes funny, sometimes weird, Pronk likes to make 100% sure people know that they are loved, and best expresses that through gushing letters. Today's pick: Jake Marisnick

Jake Marisnick or Big Stick Marisnick is new to the Cubs this year. Originally signed as a defensive replacement, he's also had a few big hits, earning a new nickname from the DNA staff. His solid tools and flexibility have made him a very valuable role player on this roster. We love how he contributes, so I'd personally would like to offer him thanks.


Dear Jake,

You've been a welcome addition to the Cubs this year. While originally a defense first guy, you've had some clutch hits as well. Your solid play has given the team some depth in a year of need. A guy who can play defense, have a few clutch hits, draw his walks and have a little pop is a player that belongs on a playoff contender.

I was so bummed when you went down hurt. You were doing so well with the bat and went down right in the middle of a hot streak. I hope you get it back and continue to play well. It's been a blast having you in Chicago!




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