
Oct 24, 2019

Bing Bongs on Twitter: Yu Darvish Pronked Justin Verlander

Longtime aces Yu Darvish and Justin Verlander have pitched against each other on the field and online. They've had some good battles. However, a personal fight developed between these two competitors. Their ongoing feud goes back to April of 2018, when Justin Verlander fired some shots on twitter:

That wasn't very nice Justin. Totally uncalled for. Unfortunately for you, Yu Darvish has a good memory, and keeps a couple aces in his sleeve for situations like this.


Darvish got him good. Now if you are new to CubsDNA culture, allow me to explain.

Per the Cubs DNA glossary:

Pronked: Using a screenshot of someone's post from the past to own them in the present

Yu Darvish sat on that screenshot for over a year, and used it perfectly against Verlander.

Pronk Approves.
