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Why We Give Thanks

It's Thanksgiving, and we wanted to take a few minutes here at Cubs DNA to tell you a few things we're thankful for. Some are baseball-related, some are not, but we hope they all make you smile and think about the good things in your own life.

Also, while we're at it, we'd like to thank each and every one of you who reads our humble little blog. We might not be Rosenthals, but we appreciate you taking time out to visit our little corner of the interwebs.


Ah, there are just too many things to list off here... but I'll start with baseball first. I'm thankful that the Cubs are finally competitive on an annual basis, after spending most of my life on the Tribune Co. ownership roller coaster. I'm thankful that my husband doesn't hold it against me too badly that our kiddo turned out to be a Cubs fan instead of a Yankees fan. Speaking of which, I'm thankful for my incredible family, and friends, and God, and church family, and for a great career and employers, and all those things we take for granted. I hope I give as much back as I get.


I am thankful for Pronk’s ability to post a gif correctly approximately 2% of the time:) In all seriousness, I am extremely thankful for my family. The wife and kids give my life meaning and a purpose. I am thankful I am able to work and provide for them. Superficially, I’m thankful the Cubs won in 2016, otherwise I’d be a nutcase like most of CubsTwitter (and that’s after winning one!!!).


I am always thankful for competitive Cubs baseball. I am thankful that so many players on these teams are so much fun to watch.

I'm thankful for all the blessings from God this year: my family, my huskies Bryant and Rizzo, my wife's great job, my stable income, stable car, all the paddling memories I made with lots of new people, my new small group, and my Cubs blog with my friends.


I am thankful for a competitive Cubs team with so many awesome players to root for, family and friends, a husband who is tolerant of my love of baseball, a roof over our heads, a great job, good health, our crazy cats and a group of people who make creating a blog so much fun.


Steven had to work 28 hours straight from Tuesday to Wednesday and is currently asleep. He's very thankful for his new wife, wonderful glorious sleep, Anthony Rizzo's butt, and his best friends, the Cubs DNA team. (Steve here, nailed it.)


I'll start with my friends and family. I hope it goes without saying that I'm thankful and grateful for their support in my life. (Bonus points if you came here to read this!). I'm thankful for the Cubs and how darn likeable these guys are. They are incredibly easy to root for! I had a crazy year this year: I worked in Thailand, Greece, Spain, New Orleans and now I'm back home. I didn't know what this year would bring since I made a huge leap and quit my job. I've been able to work steadily and have some AMAZING experiences. And of course through it all the one stable factor was this CUBS DNA staff and our constant back and forth chatter! Sometimes, I'd be across the world and have to scroll through all the missed messages but I never felt left out. I always got a response when they woke up and always had a sounding board that I don't take for granted. I'm incredibly excited we started this blog and I can't wait to see what the next year brings!


Michael is thankful for his lovely wife and kids. He is thankful for the boost that Alex Avila gave the Cubs in 2017, but more so for Javier Baez's glistening abs.

All of the Cubs DNA team is thankful for our #1 fan: Lurann H. We will make you a top fan on Facebook once we reach the threshold for likes and have the ability to do so!


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