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Matt Szczur: Szcz the Day

Former Cub Matt Szczur gives back to the community in a special way, through his namesake Matt Szczur Foundation. In 2010, Szczur found out he was a bone marrow match for a young Ukranian girl. He donated, and today that girl is doing fine. This experience stuck with Matt, and in 2017, he and his wife found the Szcz the Day - Matt Szczur Foundation. The goal is to raise awareness and need for bone marrow donations.

Per the foundation's website:

"Odds of being a bone marrow match are 1 in 80,000. The more bone marrow drives the Matthew Szczur Foundation can hold, the more testing and money will be raised with the intent of saving more lives.

While raising awareness through his foundation, Matt’s future goal is to host bone marrow drives in as many major league baseball stadiums as he can and get as many people tested as possible."

The foundation isn't just about the marrow registry. Matt Szczur has another talent besides playing baseball. He's also a very skilled painter. With his background as a 2016 World Series champ, he's gotten to be a part of some cool experiences (to say the least). He's expertly taken the experiences and blended them with his talent:

Matt's painting are available on his site, as well as other cool things. As you can guess, all proceeds go to support the foundation. It's a unique way for a ballplayer to give back. Super proud of you Matt!


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