Forbidden Love is a Cubs DNA series where our staff waxes poetic about a player on a team other than the Cubs. Maybe even one you think they should hate. In this installment, Staci takes you away from #CubsTwitter for a bit to introduce you to the kindler, gentler Colorado Rockies Twitter team, #AtRockies!
When I was in my 20's, my best friend was this fun, snarky, witty person with a sharp sense of humor who could lay waste to any troll or other waste of humanity with just a flick of her tongue or a wave of her perfectly manicured fingernails. She was like me, if I hadn't been so shy and backward... she served as my enforcer of sorts, and I appreciated every time she drove some gross dude away from our table who intruded our our girls' night or every guy who tried to put his hands on me at a concert in a mosh pit. She was a master at it.
Then there was her little sister. She was sweet and kind. She also had a wit about her, but because she didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings she would always make sure you knew she was joking. She felt awful if she thought you were mad at her. Sometimes, little sister was a breath of fresh air to all my friend's sardonic wit.
What's the point of my story? I love #AtCubs. I love them dearly. Sometimes, though, it's nice to go visit another little corner of the interwebs that's a little, shall we say, gentler. This is where #AtRockies comes in. See, you don't have to like the Rockies to appreciate #AtRockies. For example, recently #AtRockies did this:
#AtRockies are always doing little things like this to interact with their fans. Even if you're not a Rockies fan, you might find them playfully sliding into your mentions, like I have!
Even when #AtRockies tries to be snarky, they feel guilty and apologize. And they might even delete it later!
And you know what? That's okay, because #AtRockies is nice. And Lord knows we could all use some more niceness in the hellscape we call the internet. I have no idea who is behind #AtRockies, but I hope they keep being them. Baseball Twitter is a better place for it.