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Forbidden Love: Amir Garrett

I am totally not here to fight you, my dude.

Forbidden Love is a Cubs DNA series where our staff waxes poetic about a player on a team other than the Cubs. Maybe even one you think they should hate. In this installment, Staci gets all warm about Cincinnati Reds reliever Amir Garrett.

I have a confession to make: there was a time I didn't like Amir Garrett. I know, I know... I now look back on my follies in shame and horror, because the last few years I've discovered how utterly delightful Garrett is. (And no, it has nothing to do with my seeming affinity for Reds players. (AND OMG WHY DOESN'T SCOOTER GENNETT HAVE A JOB ALREADY?!?) Still, there was a time where I could be a bit of a stick in the mud, and I thought Garrett had an attitude.

I mean, he DOES, but it's AWESOME.

As it turns out, my sourpuss could mostly be traced back to this one moment:

Yes, like most Cubs fans I am a taaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad oversensitive about Javy. You don't mess with our unicorn shortstop, amirite? BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUT the problem is that Javy kind of asked for a little jawing? Or maybe could've taken it better? He who batflips should put up with some pitcher trash talk, as it were?

He even commented on the Baez strikeout not long ago on Twitter, where he's super interactive with fans:

And then came the moment that totally turned me around on Amir Garrett. My hatred for the Lint Curdle-led Piebutts is no secret, so I'd root for just about any non-Cardinals team over them in any sort of skirmish. The 2019 brawl between the Pirates and Reds, started because Derek Dietrich kept hitting home runs off of Pirates pitchers and they were super salty about it, is now legendary, not in the smallest part because Amir Garrett pretty much threw his outing just so he could go fight the entire Pirates dugout.

His commitment to fighting the whole of the Pittsburgh team is pretty much unparalleled right there, and it just gets funnier every time I watch it. (And that's saying something as someone who doesn't usually condone brawling!) (Also note my man Votto in that first video telling the Buccos exactly what's up. Yeah, Joey's onto your nonsense, bro.) He could've thrown at the Pirates batters, but instead he went headlong into one-on-one battle. I can respect that? Yeah, I think I can respect that.

But Garrett isn't just awesome because he wants to fight the Pirates. No, see, that reply to that Cubs fan is a great example of why he's so much fun--he's become one of the more accessible players in MLB. Tag Garrett on Twitter and there's a really good chance he's gonna reply to you. You know, like a live, much more handsome, hard-throwing version of Beetlejuice.

The GABP is allegedly much nicer than a graveyard.

Garrett's also been playing in the MLB the Show player's tournament for the Reds, and his streams have been pretty hilarious. For example...

And he's proven really good at making just as much fun of himself as he does anyone else.

But, um, if I'm Cole Tucker of the Pirates, I'd watch my butt if the guys do get back on the field this year.

And who can forget his reaction to this, and I hate to say it, overreaction by Schwarbs to a strikeout in 2019. I get that our dear Hulk was frustrated, but he maybe went a little overboard... and Garrett reacted hilariously.

I guess what I'm saying is that Garrett is so hilarious and delightful that I just can't be mad at him. Ever. I'll happily take all the Amir Garrett content you wanna give me and probably won't even get mad if he strikes out some Cubs this year. Just, you know, get on creating that TikTok, will ya?


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