These policies responded both to an ideology derived from colonialism, which valued whiteness, and to eugenic thinking that upheld the biological and cultural superiority of Europeans and their ability to compensate for the supposed harmful effects derived from the contribution of Africans and indigenous people to the mix of national races5. The colonial period created regional patterns of racialized demography, with mobile phone number list areas where the indigenous population maintained an important presence and provided labor (in the Andes and much of Mesoamerica) and others where the indigenous population decreased and was mobile phone number list replaced by African labor. and mestizo (Brazil, lowlands of Colombia, Venezuela and much of the Southern Cone).
The period of independence partially mobile phone number list remodeled the regional racial demography by expanding the white populations of Argentina and Brazil, until creating in the first case a dominant image of whiteness and in the second, that of a society that, despite its mixture, was sustained in a divide between people of color (black mobile phone number list and brown) and white6. mix ideologies The colonial and republican societies of Latin America were very racist.
It is possible to argue that colonial Latin America mobile phone number list gave rise to the melting pot of ideas about "race" that would come to dominate the Atlantic world. In fifteenth -century Spain, the concept of "purity of blood" was created to control the social order and deprive those suspected of being of the Jewish or Moorish race (from the point of view of blood or lineage) of developing certain occupations, subjecting them in some cases to to inquisitorial processes for their religious heterodoxy.