
Oct 22, 2019

That time I met my future husband Tommy La Stella!!

This was originally a test post. The CubsDNA team was deciding between WIX and Wordspress and Pronk/James/Blog Dad/The Boss (what do we call him now?) ordered/asked us to write up a test post to try the platforms out.

"Me and TLS" is an inside joke around these parts. Actually it might be the inside joke that got me the "in" with the cool kids!

See, I am not sure if you remember but Tommy La Stella the beloved California/Anaheim/Los Angeles Angel's All-Star was not very popular in Chicago for a bit. He threw a hissy fit/questioned life's choices/got demoted to Iowa but ended up in New Jersey instead. And at the original blog community where I met the CubsDNA team, well there were some hot taeks. So as a joke I posted a pic with lil Tommy after I met him and in that moment my friendship with these guys were born. Specifically Pronk and Tina were excited for that moment and I knew they were fun Cubs fans.

Ok so that was a looooong prologue to that moment.....

Every May, Anthony Rizzo puts on a fundraiser called called Cook Off For Cancer. It's one of several fundraisers that he puts on each year. It always sells out and I found out it's well attended by his fellow teammates. Like seriously. EVERYONE attends. If you are lucky enough to catch tickets on sale buy them because it's a tax write off and totally worth it!!!!

Rizzo and his foundation (which raises money for Pediatric Cancer) reaches out to Chicago area restaurants to donate food for the event. (Hence the cook off name.) Then each table is assigned a Cubs player to be the "chef" of the table.

Entry to the event included 3 hours of unlimited food and drink. I spent the first hour going to each table and sampling the different foods. Each table had basically prepared bite size appetizers. But there were enough vendors to get full very quickly.

About an hour into the event there was a tittering amongst the crowd as we quickly realized the Cubs had arrived. Each player was assigned a table and then quickly lines formed for each player. And each player was so patient and took a photo and chit chatted with their waiting fans.

But before all that I spotted notoriously shy Tommy La Stella. He was there with best buddies Jake and Brittany Arrieta and he wasn't there in an official Cook-Off capacity. So of course I just decided to not be shy and DEMAND a selfie with him.

I actually am pretty sure, I said excuse me to Jake so I could get closer to Tommy.

And he was actually REALLY SUPER NICE!!! I was kinda of intimidated and then he totally surprised me that he was super sweet and he happily posed for a selfie with me!

So yeah remember that super long prologue? My new friends like to call Tommy my future husband.

And yeah my mom totally would NOT have minded that.

Plus Tommy is single right???

I mean that video wasn't just a coincidence right? RIGHT??

Hey Tommy CALL ME!!! My number is [this sentence has been edited by the CubsDNA staff but Brooke can be found on Twitter @Brooke928]
