
Jul 10, 2020

Love Letters From Pronk: Glenallen Hill

Love Letters From Pronk is an ongoing series where Pronk shares his love for somebody connected to the Cubs. Sometimes funny, sometimes weird, Pronk likes to make 100% sure people know that they are loved, and best expresses that through gushing letters. Today's pick: Former Cubs outfielder Glenallen Hill

Glenallen Hill was one of my favorite childhood Cubs. He was so mighty he had two first names put together. He wasn't an all star, but he had enough pop to where I always wanted to watch his at bats. With a short yet powerful swing, fireworks could always happen when he was at the dish. Then on May 11th, 2000 the impossible happened:

Dear Glenallen,

First off, congratulations on that amazing home run. That was a thing of beauty I won't ever forget. I've got plenty of great memories of playoff home runs, Sosa bombs, etc. But your rooftop blast is in my top 5 favorites, despite it being early season during a lost year.

I really appreciated your solid hitting off the bench. You may have been a platoon player, but your 132 OPS+ as a Cub shows that when you were in the lineup, you were ready to go. Another fun fact, the Cubs had a .506 winning percentage in games you played in. Considering some of their struggles those years, that's a fairly big accomplishment. Usually big bat sluggers are hefty big men, but you also had a little speed, with 21 triples and 96 stolen bases in your career. Even though you were never an all star player, you were one of those guys who got the max out of their talent, and I always appreciated it.

I also appreciate your constant positive outlook on life. Your messages are very simple, but very solid reminders that I can mentally put in my pocket, and bring out in the course of a day.

Thank you for the great memories. Your play helped cement my status as a lifelong baseball lover and Cubs fan.


